
Lizard Soft Confirmed the Microsoft Gold Partner Status for the Fourth Time

Lizard Soft has confirmed Microsoft Gold Partner status for the fourth consecutive year in the Collaboration and Content competency.

This status indicates the highest level of the company's specialists competence in the field of creating portal solutions, workflow automation solutions, content management, and document management in enterprises based on the SharePoint platform.

Lizard Soft has been specializing in providing services in this area for more than four years. The Company accumulated significant experience, which allows us to rightfully take a leading position in the Ukrainian market in terms of the number and quality of implemented projects, as well as the size and competencies of the team.

Leading Ukrainian companies in various business areas have been confiding in our knowledge and expertise for many years. KredoBank, Alfa Bank (Ukraine), Carlsberg Ukraine, AXA Insurance, Prominvestbank, DTEK, Actavis, Volia, OTP Bank, etc. have already become the Ñompany's clients.

At the same time, the Company continues to develop successfully, expanding both its territorial presence and its product and service portfolio. Thus, this year the portfolio of the company was replenished with several successfully implemented projects for clients in Kazakhstan.

The Lizard Soft team is also actively working on the development of its boxed software solutions based on SharePoint for docflow and corporate portals, increasing the list of consulting services provided.


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