
LS Intranet: Employee Directory Module Non-Trivial Use

The Employee Directory module in the LS Intranet 3.0 Internal Corporate Portal is about quick and convenient access to information about Colleagues and effective management of it. Using this tool, not only can Users easily find profiles of Employees searching by name or surname. From there, you can instantly call a found Colleague, email, or contact them via Microsoft 365 Teams. However, especially useful, in our opinion, is the Directory function that structures and displays complex organizational cases: when an Employee holds several positions in affiliated companies.

Information in the Employee Directory includes Organization, Department, position, phone, e-mail, and birthday. Administrators can configure the visibility of these parameters – this ensures flexibility in data display and also data protection. This way, the Company's Management would get a directory adapted to organizational needs, where only necessary information is available to Employees.

Here's the real case of how the new LS Intranet module solved the issue of an Organization with offices in different regions, and each of these offices had its own Employee Directory, created in Excel and stored locally. The main problem was the confusion this situation created. Employees often forgot where a file was being stored. Local copies were created and all those updates made by the HR dept to the shared copy were lost. This approach to saving the Employees' data proved to be inefficient very quickly. So, as soon as the Employee Directory module was available on the LS Intranet, we implemented it for this Customer. That's how the Customer's Organization got a centralized and always up-to-date resource where the necessary information can be found easily and very quickly. Thus, the number of errors greatly decreased, and coordination in the Team improved significantly as all data is being stored in one place and automatically updated.

Another real case is about Employees who, working long-term remotely due to the quarantine first, and then the war, started experiencing hardships with social communication. As it turned out, it became a real challenge for many to call a person they don't know and solve a work issue. And this is how the Employee Directory in LS Intranet helped here: The User found the right Colleague, opened their profile with a photo, and made the call, literally «looking into the eyes» of the interlocutor. It turned out that seeing the face of the person you are talking to makes it all much easier. So the level of stress in the Team was reduced and at the same time, communication improved. After all, working contacts have become more «human» and more comfortable.

In short, the Employee Directory module in the LS Intranet 3.0 Internal Corporate Portal drastically increases the efficiency of communications in the Company and also their quality. Indeed, Colleagues' contact information can be found very quickly and is always up-to-date. The search process is as easy and intuitive as possible. Therefore, coordination in the Team improves. And so does the productivity of the entire unit.

The interface of the Employee Directory module in the LS Intranet 3.0 Internal Corporate Portal


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