
LS Intranet: Customized Chat Emoticons With Your Corporate Identity

A company implementing an internal corporate portal usually tries to personalize it as much as possible. So that even the little things on this resource were made using the corporate identity and served to build the corporate culture.

We at Lizard Soft have been implementing LS Intranet Internal Corporate Portal & Corporate Media based on Microsoft 365 for 13 years. So we do understand that there is no such thing as a small thing in this case. That's why we are introducing a new feature: the ability to create your own set of customized emojis made in a corporate style and offer Users to use them by reacting to posts or comments on your portal.

To manage emoji sets – from uploading to arranging them in a certain order – we've developed a simple and easy-to-understand administrative part of LS Intranet v.3. Anyone can work in it: from a communications manager familiar with the principles of website operation to even a child.

After creating your own images, you enter the appropriate LS Intranet v.3 module, choose the name for the emoji, mark the display order (for example, at the beginning of the list of smileys or at the end – this is how you sort them by logic or frequency of use). Then make sure that the switch is in the «active» position (as, if you wish, you can temporarily hide some of the smileys). Then you simply download the necessary image in the usual way.

Here's what the corporate emojis our partners have designed for their teams look like (please see video below). According to our experience, which is based on Customer feedback, the individually designed smileys is one of the most popular functions among Users.

In short, the days when all portals looked the same and boring, fortunately, are gone. The trend is to move away from uniformity and toward individuality. We at Lizard Soft consider each Customer unique and strive to give each of them all the tools to demonstrate individuality and charisma on their portal. With LS Intranet v.3, this is not only possible but very easy.


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