One of the most useful tools for the development of internal products is the statistics of their use. With its help, you can determine which product functions are most used by employees; what they find most useful; and even what changes would help them even more in their work.
In our UniBot v.2 Personal Assistant & Corporate Chatbot, statistics are presented in the form of an interactive dashboard based on the Microsoft 365 Power BI service. The data can be seen through the UniBot administration part.
Every time one of the Company's Employees performs a certain action using the chatbot, information about it is stored in the data store. Afterward, the business administrator can make analytical extracts from this data for any period of time, for any subdivision of the Organization, or having applied his own filters, in order to get the relevant information.
These are most often questions asked:
- which bot functionality is the most popular;
- how exactly it is used;
- which division of the Company most often uses a chatbot;
- how useful the chatbot is considered by Employees;
- which questions the chatbot could not answer, etc.
This data comes in handy to correctly plan the development of the internal product so that it'd give the greatest benefit to your Employees.
In short, the development of any product can be planned based on someone’s subjective vision. Or using the most innovative methods based on feedback from Users (Company Employees). These approaches (customer development) are used by all the most successful startups in the world.