LS Intranet: Grid Slider so that No One Misses the Most Important Info
The grid slider is the first element your employee sees when entering the internal corporate portal. This widget displays exactly the news and data that are important to each of your colleagues: from the currency exchange rate to new career opportunities or changes in corporate life.
What management likes the most is that the information from the grid slider will be delivered to each employee for sure. And it will definitely be relevant and true, without any additions and changes.
What employees like the most is the fact that, in order to find out the most important info of the day, you don't even need to scroll down: here it is, this information, tirelessly running in front of your eyes.
What the communication manager likes the most is that editing this widget is very easy: you go to the branding tool, choose an element you want to edit from among the twelve others, and upload a photo, for example. Unlimited quantity of photos. Or you add a link that can lead the user to any external or internal resource, be it news, a post on social networks, or a landing page.
In short, the grid slider on the portal is, in our opinion, the best and easiest tool for communicating the most important information to everyone.