LS Intranet: Templates for Your Portal Pages
To make it easier for Communication Specialists to manage corporate content, we have created page templates for LS Intranet Internal Corporate Portal. Currently, there are several such templates, each offering different layouts for texts and visuals, and we believe they meet the basic expectations of Communicators. But of course, we have also considered that our Clients might want to get significantly more customized templates for their corporate portal pages. And this can be done with the help of Developers or Web Designers, who can create more templates and add them to the list. However, even without additional help from those Specialists, the pages of your LS Intranet portal will look aesthetic and fully match your corporate style. Not to mention the adaptation of pages for viewing on various devices.
You work as an Internal Communications Manager at a Company. Your task is not only to place content but also to create attractive pages for it. But there is a problem: you are not a Web Designer. And this is where the new template functionality in LS Intranet comes in handy. Now, without having deep knowledge of web design, you can simply choose one of the ready-made templates, each containing all the necessary design elements. Then you insert there your text and images and immediately get the result: a stylish page with text and visuals.
Another scenario is that you manage the Communications Department of a large Holding Company with numerous assets. Your task is to ensure that each subsite created for each asset individually matches the overall visual style of the Company. We understand how important this is for maintaining a unified corporate style and brand recognition. We also understand that each of your Communication Colleagues may have different levels of design skills. But thanks to the innovative and easy-to-use tools of LS Intranet, this is no longer a problem. Using ready-made templates, Communicators can create pages that match the unified style, without delving into the specifics of graphic design.
We have made the process of creating a page with templates very simple and intuitive. First, you open the HTML editor and call the «Content Pages» dialog window. Here you see the list of templates that have already been implemented. Each of them can be previewed to understand how it looks and whether it is suitable for your content. Having selected the appropriate template, you insert it into the editor and start editing the text and images according to your needs. Currently, several template options are available. We named them in a way that makes them as easy to navigate through as possible: «One column: Color banner + two columns», «Two columns: banner left, text right», «Top image + two columns: banner left, text right», and «Color banner + Two columns with the text». If necessary, more customized templates created by Developers or Web Specialists can be added.
In short, the new feature of ready-made templates on LS Intranet Internal Corporate Portal is an easy-to-use tool for creating stylish-looking pages on your portal. Using it, you will easily adhere to the unified visual style of your corporate content and greatly relieve your Web Designers! They will not be needed to fill the pages with content as anyone can do it quickly and effortlessly. So that managing corporate content will become even easier!