During a typical workday, in SafeDox Adaptive Case Management many events take place, such as your business trip request is approved or a comment on the Help Desk case that you are tracking was left. Not all of these messages are what you'd like to know about instantly.
After all, every notification in e-mail or push message distracts you and steals your time for focused work. That's why we categorize events in SafeDox: messages about important ones we sent to your email or to the UniBot Corporate Chatbot. And the rest of notifications can be viewed in the «bell» on your Internal corporate portal based on LS Intranet.
For example, you are assigned a task in SafeDox. Since it's important, notification about it will be sent to your email. From there you can even immediately execute it.
If it's about a comment on the office water supplier contract, this information can wait (if you're not an office manager, of course). So, it will be displayed in the «bell» on the corporate portal. And you can view it at a time convenient for you.
Tasks are prioritized according to your needs. As we understand how important and difficult it is to assign time for focused work. Especially if you are a senior manager. After all, your productivity and the quality of the decisions you make depend on this.
In short, your workday timing will not depend on what happens in your ACM. And while they will all remain under your control, notifications about them will no longer distract you from more important tasks.