
A Docflow Project Has Been Introduced in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Following the implementation plan of the Electronic Parliament Project, from July 1, 2015, the Verkhovna Rada will imposerestrictions on the distributionof internal documents paper copies. According to Decree No. 698 «On priority measures for the introduction of docflowin the Verkhovna Rada», the documentary support department of the Verkhovna Rada Administration must, within a month, implement the regulations for the circulationof electronic versions of outgoing and internal documents with their inclusion in the Automated Document Management System.

The functions of management, development,and administration of docfloware assigned to the Department of Computerized Systems of the Verkhovna Rada Administration.

As part of the test work, from July 1, 2015, it was decided to establish a restriction on the distributionof internal documents paper copiesaccording to the list determined by the Main Directorate of Documentary Support.

The introduction of an electronic docflowin the Verkhovna Rada is being implemented under the implementation plan of theElectronic Parliament Project. The order on the implementation of relevant measures under the Electronic Parliament Project was signed by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman.

One of the priorities is the preparation of legislative acts for the re-introduction of billsin electronic form. It is planned that senatorswould be emailedall the materials necessary for consideration. Thus, significant financial resources will be saved.

V. Groysman alsonoted that it isimportant to keep the public control over the work of the Parliament, recalling that the campaign «Stop the truant!»opened data on senators’ attendance, voting, etc.

Another important project is the creation of an electronic protocol that will contain transcripts, minutes of committee meetings, audio and video content.

A project for a new unified website for parliamentary committees is currently being developedand tested. It is supposed to include, among other things, attendance data, transcripts,and minutes.

Until the fall, the site «People's Lawmaking» will be developed. It is planned to accumulate citizens' proposals for bills on the site.

The concept of an electronic cabinet of a people's deputy is also being developed, with access to databases, the ability to carry out legislative activities and communicate with voters.

There will also be a section for placing online appeals of citizens and petitions, which is also planned to open in the fall.

According to the materials «Electronic document management and IT for business». (


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