
UniBot: Nothing Superfluous + Maximum Services Personalization!

We have improved the catalog of services creation in the UniBot Personal Assistant & Corporate Chatbot! Now your Administrator can thoroughly configure access rights to each service, based on the Employee's group membership. This means that each Employee would see only those services to which they have access. Thus, UniBot ensures data security in your business and also frees Colleagues from spam, which only creates unnecessary cognitive load.

Why is this important? In holding companies, each separate structure offers its own specific services. So, such individualization of access allows Employees to avoid consuming excessive information. It makes it easier for them to focus on what is a working necessity for this particular unit of this particular structure. For example, in a large-scale corporate sector, where different departments use different tools, UniBot provides access to the necessary resources depending on the specific functionality and role of the Employee.

How does it work? When the Administrator creates a catalog of services, they designate which groups of Users will have access to each service. The Employee, using UniBot v2, sees a personalized menu that displays only those services to which they have the right to access. Thus, every Employee gets a clear, highly functional interface. And that's how conditions are created for the most effective interaction with corporate resources.

Let's say, your Company has front-line Employees working hourly or on a shift-basis. They surely need to have quick access to services for coordinating shifts or submitting time reports. With UniBot v2, only relevant Workers would see these tools in their chatbot. Thus, their working day becomes more organized and less stressful.

Another example is Organizations where certain Employees can hybrid work splitting between the office and remote locations. In this case, the services of booking a workplace in the office would be available for them. Those who work constantly in the office or remotely would not see this functionality, as for them it is unnecessary.

In short, the updated functionality of the UniBot Personal Assistant & Corporate Chatbot is designed to make the use of corporate resources as simple and effective as possible. So it offers Employees only those services they need depending on their tasks and roles in the Company. Thus, UniBot helps to better organize workflows and at the same time not to cause excessive cognitive pressure on Employees. This means that it also helps to increase the productivity of your business in this way.

UniBot main menu setup


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