On October 3-6 in Anaheim (California, USA) very important in the world international annual event SharePoint will take place. Sure enough, Lizard Soft cannot miss this opportunity and will be among the participants of the Microsoft Sharepoint Conference 2011, which will allow to receive information about all achievements, technologies and plans for future from Microsoft on SharePoint.
The city has been chosen not suddenly – it is a suburb of Los Angeles where Disnayland is located.
During four days the participants from all corners of the world will be able to take part in over 240 sessions, the speakers of which will be: Kurt DelBene (the President of Microsoft Office Division), Jeff Teper (the Vice President of SharePoint Product Group) and Jared Spataro (the Director of SharePoint Product Management). Also, the participants will get to know how such famous companies as Ebay, Electonic Arts, United Airlines and many others use SharePoint in their work. In the frameworks of the conference the participants will have an opportunity to communicate in non-formal setting, to share experience and set new business contacts.

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