AI-UniBot: Unique Terminology, Acronyms, Synonyms Support
We all understand that every industry and organization have their unique language. It includes specific terminology, synonyms, and abbreviations or acronyms used to describe processes, products, and services. As it turned out, this can create certain difficulties first while searching for information, and then in working communication between Colleagues. As Artificial Intelligence models used for search usually have a common vocabulary and are not crafted for a certain industry. At Lizard Soft, we significantly improved AI search relevance by creating corporate term tables. And this functionality has already been added to the new version of UniBot Personal Assistant & Corporate Chatbot | AI-UniBot.
AI-UniBot new feature allows you to integrate your specific terms and synonyms into its search and query processing algorithms. For example, «power disconnection» term is often used in the Energy Company's regulatory documents. While its Employees are used to the word «shutdown». So AI-UniBot can be configured to understand both terms. In addition, when referring to the «Hourly Shutdown Schedule», Employees may use the abbreviation «HSS» in their requests to the Bot. However, our Bot's responses will be still relevant, even if the full term is specified in the official documents only. This greatly facilitates the search for information process. Especially, for Employees who might not be familiar with all the corporate language nuances.
Another example is a large Agricultural Holding. In its documents such abbreviations are used as «LW» for the local warehouse, «CW» for the central warehouse, and «LN» for the location number. Previously, when asking about a location number, Employees could receive wrong search results. As only the abbreviation «LN» was indicated in the documentation. This created the impression that the AI-based search was inefficient. Thanks to a new AI-UniBot feature that takes these abbreviations and synonyms due account, Employees now receive accurate, meaningful answers to their queries. This significantly speeds up and facilitates their work.
Here's how it works: System Administrators can create and update corporate term tables that AI-UniBot uses to process queries. These tables may contain not only terms and their synonyms but also abbreviations and acronyms frequently used in the Organization. The Bot automatically takes this data into account when processing requests. This is how we achieve relevant and as accurate answers as possible.
In short, the new function of processing synonyms and corporate terminology in AI-UniBot is implemented to significantly improve the quality of search and query processing. Any Organization can teach the Bot to support corporate language with all its peculiarities and abbreviations. This way, at least the terminology misunderstanding probability is eliminated so that internal communications become more effective. This is how our Customers achieve significant acceleration of work processes.