
AI-UniBot: 🩵 2🩵 Talk Service

We at Lizard Soft know that work things you don't want to tell Colleagues, Management, or even HR about (just in case they don't think wrong about you) are not that rare. And we know that the anxiety kept inside can significantly affect the productivity and general confidence of the Employee. To facilitate such issue resolution, we created a new anonymous complaint service using Artificial Intelligence. And we have implemented it in the UniBot Personal Assistant & Corporate Chatbot. We called this feature «🩵 2🩵 Talk». This AI service allows Employees to express their feelings and thoughts without fear of being judged or misunderstood.

One of such «🩵 2🩵 » cases is about Alina (ed. Name changed). She is an introvert, always a conscientious and diligent worker. However, lately, she has been feeling anxious and moody. Alina could not even determine exactly what was bothering her. But she felt that she could no longer keep this tension in herself. Alina did not feel like turning to a Human, even to a skilled Specialist. However, she decided to use the «🩵 2🩵 Talk » service.

After starting an anonymous conversation with AI-UniBot, Alina gradually began to share her thoughts and feelings. She talked about minor misunderstandings with Colleagues. About her lack of confidence and how difficult new tasks are for her. UniBot actively listened, asking questions and thus helping Alina to understand her emotions more deeply. She felt that she was understood, and this gave her great relief. During several days of anonymous conversations with UniBot, Alina was able to gather her thoughts and find new approaches to solving her issues. Her anxiety gradually subsided. In the end, Alina felt happy at work again.

Another case concerns Mykhailo (ed. Name changed), a talented Developer and a well-known wit in the Team. Suddenly he became avoidant and aloof. His Colleagues noticed the changes but did not know how to help crossing no personal boundaries. Meanwhile, Mykhailo was uncomfortable voicing problems to Management or HR as it was personal: about a conflict with a close friend. That is why Mishko opened «🩵 2🩵 Talk ». Knowing that here you don't need to gloss over anything and hide the true feelings, he told AI-UniBot everything that was on the inside. Thanks to the opportunity to speak out, Mykhailo felt relieved and was able to focus on work again.

In short, UniBot's new «🩵 2🩵 Talk » AI service allows Employees to share their feelings and thoughts in an anonymous environment. It helps to reduce anxiety, find inner peace, and return to work with renewed vigor. This is especially convenient for those who are not ready to talk to a Human. AI-UniBot is always here for you, ready to listen and support you at any moment.

AI-UniBot menu with 🩵2🩵 Talk dialogue (left) and 🩵2🩵 Talk service interface (right)


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